Toro ProCore® SR54 Turf Aerator

Toro ProCore® SR54 Turf Aerator

This compact, lightweight Procore SR54 machine can aerify to depths of up to 10 inches (250 mm), leaving a smooth playing surface. The SR54 produces a “soft touch” and is the ideal machine for aerating at a deep level, quickly and efficiently. Deep-tine aerification relieves soil compaction at lower soil levels than typical aerification. The tines fracture the soil creating channels through the root zone allowing oxygen, water and critical nutrients to penetrate deep into the soil profile.
ProCore SR54 Series deep-tine aerators alleviate subsurface soil compaction, helping to create an environment for turf to thrive. These durable and time-tested products are capable of withstanding the most extreme aeration conditions. From lightweight, precision machines to robust, heavy-duty machines to break up soil on even the most compact surfaces, the ProCore SR Series deep-tine aerators are the ultimate choice for performance and quality.
- Adjustable soil fracturing capabilities
- Versatile range of coring and solid tines
- Control depth from the tractor
- Easy to use
- Heavy-duty design
- Superior punching power.