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Ventrac Weedbine Chemical-Free Weed Control Tractor Attachment

Model: EW530

Ventrac Weedbine Chemical-Free Weed Control Tractor Attachment

Model: EW530

The Weedbine is an eco-friendly solution for weed control in cool-season grasses. This mechanical weed control option will be a game-changer for playgrounds, parks, sports fields, and other locations where chemical use is limited.

The machine itself uses rotating bristles that “sweep” grass and broad leaf weeds into a serrated auger apparatus. The grass passes through with minimal damage while the broadleaves become damaged. Over time, weeds are starved of energy and vanish—no chemicals required!

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  • Product Overview

    EW530 Weedbine | New Ventrac Attachment

    A New Era of Chemical-Free Weed Control We’re excited to introduce the Ventrac Weedbine—a patented, industry-first solution for mechanical weed control without the need for...


  • Chemical Free Weeder

    Environmentally Conscious

    Perfect for municipalities, schools, and commercial pros looking to ditch herbicides

  • Weedbine Natural Weed Thatcher

    Precise Performance

    Tool-less height adjustments allow operation as low as 0.6 inches, ideal for grass heights from 2–5 inches

  • Ventrac Weedbine

    Built for Versatility

    Compact and ready to tackle diverse terrains—from sports fields to private estates

Application Recommendations

Treatment Annual TimingStart in the Fall (late August/early September) implement Weedbine treatments for 4-6weeks, pick it up again in the Spring for 4-6 weeks, and then transistion to monthly treatments as neededInitiate anytime while turfgrasses and weeds are actively growing for 3-5 weeks to significantly reduce weed cover, then transition to treatments as needed
Treatment FrequencyTwice per week until weed pressure is significantly reduced, then transition to once per weekOnce per weekAs needed
Ground Speed2 mph for the first two treatments, 5 mph max after5 mph max
Treatment PatternBe as dynamic as possible, change direction/pattern each treatment
MowingMinimum once per week after treatment. *Debris will be high for the first 1-4 treatments, bag grass during mowing or collect debris for the first month as
Irrigation1-1.5” of water per week for established grass (irrigation and natural precipitation combined)Irrigate as needed to keep desirable grasses actively growing and prevent wiltAs needed to prevent wilt
FertilizingMaintain a comprehensive fertility plan (3-4 lbs of N per 1000 ft-2 per growing season), soil testing is recommendedAs needed, soil testing is recommended
OverseedingOverseed in late Summer/early Fall if desirable turfgrass cover is reduced due to previous weed cover (tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass seed mix preferred)As needed to fill any voids