The sale of all products and services from the Parkland website are subject to the following terms and conditions:
Parkland has the right to refuse the sale of any product or service at our sole discretion and has no liability whatsoever in exercising that right.
Every effort will be made to supply you with your order; however, we do not accept liability should we decline an order or fail to supply due to unforeseen circumstances.
Parkland contracts courier and freight companies to deliver purchased goods. We are not liable for any failure of these companies to deliver on a timely basis due to reasons beyond our control.
Parkland, Red Value and Parkland DIY and their respective logos and slogans are the property of Parkland Products Limited. Toro, Yamaha, Grillo, IRRInet, Irritrol, Gausium and all other brands, logos and names are the property of their respective owners.
We provide no warranty or guarantee for any information on our web site or through any other communication with ourselves in any form written or verbal. The information on this web site is for general information only. Parkland is not liable for any damages whatsoever for information or product provided by us.
Parkland is not responsible for any problems arising out of importation requirements of your country. We will not refund goods that have been seized by customs officials of foreign countries.
You acknowledge by your accessing this web site, that your use of this web site is at your sole risk and that you assume full responsibility for any actions or non-actions taken by you in reliance upon the information provided on this web site.
Changes and Applicable Law
We reserve the right to make changes to our web site and the policies and conditions that govern the use of our web site at any time. Your continued access or use of our web site shall be deemed to be your acceptance of all our conditions of use.
Use of the Parkland Products Limited web site and purchases of products from Parkland shall be governed by and in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. You agree that any legal action shall be brought exclusively in a New Zealand court of law.
Copyrights and Restrictions of Use
All the content on this web site is the property of Parkland Products Limited or its content suppliers and is protected by New Zealand and international copyright laws. All content on this web site may only be used for personal shopping and for information purposes. Copying our content in any way other than for personal use is strictly prohibited.
Last updated: 2025-03-21